Materials needed
- Fabric of choice-1 yard (goes on the outside)
- Satin fabric-1 yard (goes on the inside)
- 1 Beanie (used as a size guide)
- Fabric measuring tape
- Fabric glue (I used liquid stitch)
- 1 Inch wide elastic (enough to go around your head)
- Scissors
- Needle and Thread (only to secure elastic)***Optional****
- 1 Safety Pin
Satin Beanie Instructions
1. Fold the fabric chosen for the outside of the beanie in half. Place your (guide) beanie on top.
2. Measure at least 18 inches (horizontally) from where the beanie ends.
****If you want a longer slouchy beanie add additional length horizontally. Longer beanies are great for longer or voluminous hair.
3. Next, loosely measure the size of your head and divide that number by 2. This is your “vertical” measurement.
***If you don’t want your beanie snug add a little additional length. You can always adjust the tightness at the end but you can’t adjust it if you make it too tight.
4. Then, cut around the beanie in a “U” shaped curve using your horizontal and vertical measurements. Use this fabric as a guide for the satin fabric to cut it in the same manner.

Elastic placement and hem
5. Grab the non satin fabric and fold it over a little bit more than an inch from the top.(pattern side is facing down)
6. Lift the fold and place the elastic inside.
7. Apply glue to the fabric to secure the fold. Careful not to glue the elastic.
8. Allow some time for the glue to dry and cut the elastic a little past the edge of each end of the folded portion.
9. Next glue the perimeter (pattern inside). Allow to dry.
10. Grab the satin fabric (shiny side down) and fold over about a 1/2 inch then glue it down. No need for an opening as this portion will not have elastic. Allow to dry.
11. Now take the satin fabric and fold it in half as you did when you first made your guide. (shiny side inside) Glue the perimeter together and allow to dry.
Almost done
12. Pull the satin fabric right side out and tuck the non satin fabric (keeping it inside out) inside of it leaving the folded portion outside. (about an inch)
13. Glue the edges together leaving the elastic portion unglued. Allow time to dry.
14. Place the beanie on your head to measure for tightness.
15. Sew or tie the elastic together then tuck it into the opening. (sewing is best)
16. Lastly, glue all remaining open areas and allow to dry. Once it is completely dry turn it right side out. This will take about 24 hours.